My name is Heidi Bates and I am owner/teacher at Batesville Preschool. Batesville is open to 4 year-olds who will be starting kindergarten in 2026 (age 4 by or on September 1, 2025). I teach 9 preschoolers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am-12pm. Tuition is $130 month. Batesville is located on 1233 Morning Oaks Drive, Taylorsville(5240 South) In the neighborhood near Millrace park (near the dog park).
We will generally follow the Murray School District school calendar, as that is where my children attend. Preschool will start with an open house the last week of August. The official start date will be Sept. 3rd (the Wednesday after Labor Day). The last day of school will be May 13th.
At the open house 🏡 come tour our preschool, fill out some information for me, and we can get to know each other before our first day of school. I am so excited for the things we will learn together!! A registration fee (non-refundable) of $100 reserves your spot and helps us with supplies and field trips for the year. Please call 801-269-8089 with any questions (can leave message) or to register. You can also reach me by email at Thanks!